Control Basics for Mechatronics

by John Billingsley


The book is published by Routledge - the links at the top will take you to its details. The 'sim' link will take you to a simulation site.
An important feature of the book is the numerous real-time simulations that illustrate each feature of control and mechatronics. In the EPUB and online versions, these can be linked with a simple click. The present version of the EPUB links to files on this support site at  Later the EPUB might be updated to contain the simulations, but until then you will have to be online.
Readers of the printed version will have been directed here by printed links. They need only bookmark the link to this page, to find any of the simulations, grouped by the chapter where they appear.
An alternative is to use this app to enter the simulation name into a box.

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You might have been looking for the support material for
"Essentials of Control Techniques and Theory"
, an earlier version of this material that goes into greater mathematical detail.
You can find that here. Please bookmark the page.
The simulations from that earlier edition have been updated to use HTML5.