Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice 2019
Programme of activities
The map showing the way to the social events is pasted at the
Monday December 2 2019
6 p.m. Welcome get together and registration - see map below of
how to get to McGregor College
In McGregor College dining hall with hot drinks and snacks.
Tuesday 3rd December
9 a,m, Registration desk open
9:25 Opening Welcome on behalf of USQ
9.45 - 10.45 Session1 Vision and optical sensing
The design of optical sensing needles for tactile sensing and
tissue identification at needle tip
Object Detection on Train Bogies Using Structured Light Scanning
Method for detecting breaking rate of ganoderma lucidum
spore powder based on machine vision
10:45-11:10 Refreshment Break
11:10-12:30 pm Session 2 Agriculture Applications 1
Identifying research priorities – keys to successful mechatronic
and data-dependent applications in the Australian sugarcane
ROS for Agricultural Robotics: A Common Middleware Perspective
Vision-based Detection and Counting of In-field Fruits with
Fully Convolutional Network
A pragmatic automated site-specific weed management system using
unmanned aerial vehicle
12.30 - 1.45 pm Lunch
1.45 - 2.30 Session 3 -Keynote 1
Food automation feeding the world
Professor Koorosh Khodabandehloo
BMC Devon UK
2.30 - 3.10 Session 4 Robotics and Devices 1
064 Microfluidics
Fabrication and Characterization of 3D Printed Microfluidics
A Modified Bresenham Algorithm for Control System of FDM
Three-dimensional Printer
3:10-3:35 Refreshment Break
3:35 - 4:35 pm Session 5 Robotics and Devices 2
074 Foot
Design and experimental study on the self-balancing foot device
Dynamic Characteristics Analysis and Optimization Design of
Cross-beam Assembly in 3D Printer
Design and experimental Research of Automatic Tightening Method
of Rubber Strip on the Side of Office Screen Panel
Depart McGregor College at 5:00pm for Dinner at Downs Steam
*see map below
5:30pm- 9:30pm Dinner at Downs Steam
Wednesday 4th Dec 2019
9.30 - 10.50 am Session 6 Sensing Methods and Actuation
Dynamic simulation of linear objects with friction on 2D
A highly adaptable embedded platform for sEMG acquisition
Challenges in robotic soft tissue manipulation - Problem
identification based on an interdisciplinary case study of a
teleoperated painting robot in practise
Modeling of lens based on dielectric elastomers coupling with
hydrogel electrodes
10.50-11:15 Refreshment Break
11.15 - 12.15 Session 7 Agriculture Applications 2
Mechatronics for a LiDAR-based Mobile Robotic Platform for
Pasture Biomass measurement
Vision guidance with a smart-phone
A high-speed camel dung collection machine
12:15 - 12.45 pm Introduction to M2VIP 2020
12:45 pm - 2.00 Lunch
2:00-2:45 Session 8 Keynote 2
The keynote will focus on two technologies (LASC & ExScan),
and how these are now playing a critical role in the
evolution of mining (specifically coal) while helping to improve
safety, sustainability and reducing environmental impacts.
Peter Reid, (Mineral Resources, Pullenvale)
2:45-3:10 Refreshment Break
3:10- 4.10 pm Session 9 Industrial Processes and Products
A General Monitoring Method for the State of Spandex Based on
Fuzzy Evaluation and Its Application
Study on the Type Identification of Cheese Yarn Based on
Low-Resolution Pictures
Research on high feeding speed system of L-valve rods based on
two-in-one device
Leave McGregor College by 4:30 pm for the Aussie Barbecue
*see map below.
5:00 Aussie Barbecue on the edge of the Great Dividing
Casual dress, be prepared to join in the singing with music.
9 p.m. Return to McGregor College
Thursday 5th
9:30am – 10:30 Session 10 Robotics and Devices 2
A Scene Feature Based Eye-in-Hand Calibration Method for
Industrial Robot
A trajectory planning for a five degree of freedom vertically
downward assistive feeding robotic arm using linear path with
parabolic blend
Structure design and closed-loop control of a modular
soft-rigid pneumatic lower limb exoskeleton
10:30 - 10:55 Refreshment Break
10:55 - 11:55 pm Session 11 Robotics and Devices 3
Discussion of soft tissue manipulation for the harvesting of
Ovine offal
Robots for Complex Cutting Operations in Beef Processing
Microbial Electrochemical Sensors to Detect Volatile Fatty Acids
in Anaerobic Digestion
11:55 - 12.30 p.m. Conference Round-up discussion
12:30 p.m. - 2:00 Lunch
2:00 - 3:15 pm Visit to the Centre for Agricultural Engineering
3:15 pm Refreshment Break
4:00pm End of Conference