This close to the conference, we cannot guarantee to reply your message.
Catering numbers have now been finalised - though there is still a
good chance that last minute additions could be made.
Please send your registration form -
but now you should bring your payment to the conference.
In the event that we are unable to supply you with tickets
for the evening events, you will only be charged at the student rate.
Lunches, especially on the first day, might also be omitted.
If your browser is not set up for email,
you can send the registration by direct email by copying the text below,
filling in the details and emailing it to
Attention all delegates
Theeraphong Wongratanaphisan (
would like to make special arrangements for your collection
at the airport (free of charge)
and would like to know of any your special dietary requirements for the lunches or banquet.
Please email him direct or use the form below.
Please be sure to send a message to him to notify us of late registration.
Partner's name badge details
Please let us know if your partner is coming -
We need to know numbers to expect for trips.
If you have difficulty sending these from your browser,