The papers presented at M2VIP 2002 will be published on CD-ROM. You must therefore submit them in .pdf format so that they can be transferred easily. Please do not scan and then send the scanned .pdf file. We have to edit the documents, and we cannot do that with scanned files.
We also require a half page summary for publishing in a printed booklet outlining the content of each paper. This should also be in .pdf format.
We are not concerned what word processing package you use to write your paper or summary, as long as we get a readable .pdf document in the correct style!
The style information for the main paper is based upon the template available here.
Please note that the page size is A4 - American letter will be scaled to A4, which may result in distortion of photos and/or figures. Please be consistent in your spelling and grammatical usage. We are not bothered if you use British or American spellings and grammatical usage, but please do not mix them up! Set your language preference to English (UK) or English (US) before sending.
The summary page must also follow the same style but instead of the main paper after the abstract and keyword sections an brief summary of no more than 500 words should be provided. This should not include references or diagrams etc.
Please submit your paper and summary by email to Robin Bradbeer,, before 10 August 2002. We cannot guarantee inclusion if recieved after that date. File size should be limited to below 1Mb if possible -there is no theoretical page limit, but a maximum of 10 would be appreciated!