Conference Schedule

Monday 9th September

Welcome Reception and Pre-registration
Chiang-Mai Orchid Hotel

Tuesday 10th September 
Opening Ceremony
Plenary Session 1
Mechatronics and engineering research in Thailand
Dr. Djitt Laowattana
Institute of Field Robotics
King Mongkut's University of Technology, Thonburi, Thailand
10:30am-10.50 am 
Morning Tea/Coffee
TuA1: Industrial Applications I 

10.50am:   Active Control of Internal Turning Operations Using a Boring Bar; Linus Pettersson; Sweden

11.15am: Fabric Defect Classification using Wavelet Frames and Minimum Classification Error Training; Grantham Pang;  Hong Kong

11.40am: Multi sensor fusion in a flexible workcell environment; Devendra P. Garg; USA

12.05pm: Automatic foundry brake disc inspection through different computer vision techniques, using a new 3D calibration method; Pedro Martín Lerones; Spain

TuA2: Agriculture and Food I

10.50am: A Prototype Mechatronic System for Inspection of Date Fruits; Abdulrahman A. Al-janobi; Saudi Arabia

11.15am: Autonomous Agricultural Robot; Mark Pythian; Australia

11.40am: Visual counting of macadamia nuts; John Billingsley; Australia

12.05pm: Machine vision application to grading of white pepper berries; Mani Maran Ratnam; Malaysia


Thai buffet
TuP1: Manufacturing Mechatronics Design I

1.45pm: The resolving of tasks of dynamics for control of the single-planimetric multimobile manipulator; Korgan Sholanov; Kazakhstan

2.10pm: Design and Control of A Parallel Robot Based on The Design For Control Approach; Cheryl Qing Li; Singapore

2.35pm: Development of Fibre Optical Switch Assembly Alignment Machine; Nitin V. Afzulpurkar, Thailand

TuP2: Vision I

1.45pm: Self-Calibration of An Active Vision System for 3D Robot Vision; Y. F. Li; Hong Kong

2.10pm: Silicon Retina Sensing guided by Omni-directional Vision; Vlatko Becanovic; Germany

2.35pm: Imaging through moving scattering media comparison between averaging and "or minimum" methods; E. Juliastuti Mustafa; Indonesia

Afternoon Tea/Coffee
TuP3: Industrial applications II 

3.20pm: Force-guided Compliant Motion in Robotic Assembly: Notch-locked Assembly Task; Kong Suh Chin; Malaysia

3.45pm: Tool calibration of a robot by force and torque sensing; Nitin V. Afzulpurkar, Thailand

4.10pm: Mechatronic Strategies for automation of the ConformTM Extrusion Process; K. Khawaja; UK

4.35pm: The New Method for Thickness Measurement of Calendered Rubber Based on Non-Contact Laser Sensors and Geometrical Surface Characterization; Petar B. Petrovic; Yugoslavia

TuP4: Design of mechatronic systems

3.20pm: Development of a NOVEL multi-module manipulator system: dynamic model and prototype design; Clarence W. de Silva; Canada

3.45pm: Prediction of parameters to avoid vehicle roll over using artificial neural networks; V Karri; New Zealand

4.10pm: Intelligent Control of a Novel manipulator with Slewing and Deployable Links; V. J. Modi; Canada

4.35pm: Imitation Model of Mechatronical Modulus of Motion; Korgan Sholanov;  Kazakhstan


    Khun-Toke Dinner (Thai northern style+performance) at Old Chiang Mai
Culture Centre

Wednesday 11th September
Plenary Session II
The future of Mechatronics
John Billingsley
University of Southern Queensland, Australia
Morning Tea/Coffee
WeA1: Mobile Robotics II

10.35am: A new Beacon Navigation System; Eduardo Zalama; Spain

11.00am: Space and Time Sensor Fusion and Multi-Sensor Integration for Indoor Mobile Robot Navigation; Tae-Seok, Jin; Korea

11.25am: Model Based Automation for Tracked Ground Vehicles with Onboard Manipulators; Yahya H. Zweiri;  UK

11.50am:  Navigation and localisation devices and the concept for mobile robots;  Carsten Hillenbrand; Germany

WeA2: Medical and telerobotic applications

10.35am: A Novel Mechatronic System for Minimally Invasive Lumpectomy of the Breast Tissue; Sunita Chauhan; Singapore

11.00am: Multi-purpose Autonomous Robust Carrier for Hospitals (MARCH): Principles, Design, and Implementation; P Sooraksa; Thailand

11.25am: Gesture recognition for commanding robots with the aid of mechatronic data-glove and hidden Markov model; K. P. Liu; Hong Kong

11.50am: Modelling semantics and development of a generic user-interactive client-server module for efficient two-way data communication between multiple devices in a wide-area network; Debanik Roy; India

Chinese Buffet
WeP1: Human Interaction

1.30pm: Development of Chinese Calligraphy Robot; Fenghui Yao; Japan

1.55pm: Automated People Counting Using Model Template Matching and Head Search; Grantham Pang; Hong Kong

2.20pm: Automatic Facial Expression Recognition for Human-Robot Interaction; A.Z. Kouzani; Australia

2.45pm: Development of an expressive social robot; Salvador Dominguez; Spain

WeP2: Mobile robotics I

1.30pm: Communication with an underwater ROV using ultrasonic transmission; T M Law; Hong Kong

1.55pm: Reactive Agent Architecture for Underwater Robotics Vehicles; J.H. Ho; Singapore

2.20pm: A Study on the Control of AUV’s Homing and Docking; Kyu-Hyun Oh; Korea

2.45pm: Autonomous Mobile Robot with Flexible Locomotive Mechanism; Maki K. Habib; Malaysia

Afternoon Tea/Coffee
WeP3: Manipulator and actuator design

3.30pm: Design of A Gravity Compensation System for A Flexible Structure Mounted Manipulator; Theeraphong Wongratanaphisan; Thailand

3.55pm: Design of a Sliding mode Model Following Control (SMFC) for DC Servomotor Drivers; Phongsak Phakamach; Thailand

4.20pm: On-line Evolution of Robot Arm Control Programs Using a Memorised Function; Worasait Suwannik; Thailand

4.45pm: Force passivity in fixturing and grasping; Michael Yu Wang; Hong Kong

WeP4: Mechatronics Education

3.30pm: Massey Mechatronics - Designing Intelligent Machines; W.L. Xu;  New Zealand

3.55pm: An Educational Tutorial for an Autonomous Omni-Directional Six-Legged Beetle Robot; Frank Nickols; Singapore

4.20pm: Modern mechatronic curriculum for multidisciplinary engineering; Tim Gale; New Zealand

4.45pm: ROCON – A Virtual Construction Kit, Visualization Tool
and Remote Control System for Mechatronic Devices; Joerg Kaiser; Germany 

Conference Banquet at Amari Rincome Hotel

Thursday 12th September
Plenary Session III
Underwater robotics research at CityU Hong Kong
Robin Bradbeer
City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Morning Tea/Coffee
ThA1: Agriculture and Food II/Sensors

10.35am: Real Time Inspection of Beans Using a Line Scan Camera; Taeho Kim; Korea 

11.00am: Control of the sugar cane harvester topper; Stuart McCarthy; Australia

11.25am: Mechatronics and robotisation in agriculture; Maki K Habib; Malaysia 

11.50pm: An efficient distributive tactile sensor for recognising contacting objects; P.Tongpadungrod; Thailand

12.15pm: CAD Based Automatic Surface Scanning Using Optical Range Sensors; Fernando A. Rodrigues Martins; Portugal

ThA2: Vision II

10.35am: Measuring Flank Tool Wear on Cutting Tools with Machine Vision - A Case Solution; Alexandre Orth;  Brazil

11.00am: A Floating Point Genetic Algorithm for Affine Invariant Matching of Object Shapes; Peter Tsang, Hong Kong

11.25am: Using a Panoramic Camera for 3D Head Tracking in an AR Environment; B.Giesler; Germany

11.50am: A Mechatronics Approach for Automatic Removal of  Contaminants from Wool; A. Dehghani; UK

12.15pm: A visual sensor to measure the position and orientation of 
the climbing robot on the glass surface; Jian Zhu; Hong Kong

Western-style Buffet
ThA3: Special Invited Session

2.00pm: Automated Micro-Assembly of MOEMS by Centrifugal Force; King W. C. Lai; Hong Kong

2.20pm: Haptic Tactile Feedback in Teleoperation of Multifingered Robot Hand; Yantao Shen; Hong Kong

2.40pm: On-line Model Learning for Robotic Manipulations; Yu Sun; USA

3.00pm: A Better Data Transmission Protocol for Internet-based Teleoperation; Peter X. Liu; Canada

3.20pm: A PVDF-based micro-Newton force sesning system for automated micro-manipulation; Carmen K M Fung, Hong Kong

Afternoon Tea/Coffee
Closing Session
Lake Side Dinner at Galae